Soya curls (250 g)

Soya curls is 100% texturized soya protein (49 g per 100g) with European production origin. Read more about soya strips.



What is soya curls?

It is a perfect alternative to meat strips with a nice meat like texture. While it consists of only soya flour it is very  rich in protein and high in fibre. 200 grams of this texturized soy protein corresponds approximately to 1 kg of meat but has 10 times smaller CO2 impact than a same meal prepared with meat.

How to use?

The product in a resealable bag can be conveniently stored in your cupboard for even a year. To prepare it you need so soak it in cold or hot water or broth until it acquires nice soft texture. Soya curls expand around 2 times after soaking. Remove excess water, season the soya strips according to your taste and cook it as any similar meat product – on a frying pan, add it to kebabs, wrap or make a vegan stroganoff.

Nutrition claims

An average grown up needs about 0,8 grams of protein for one kg of body weight a day. This product provides you with plenty of plant-based protein as it contains 49 grams of protein per 100 grams of soy mince. 100 grams of chicken breast for example contains only 30 grams of protein. It is also high in dietary fibre, has no additives and is GMO free.

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